• Українською
  • European integration changes in the areas of electronic identification and electronic trust services: Government adopts decision
    Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, posted 10 December 2024 18:06

    In the process of implementing European legislation in the areas of electronic identification and electronic trust services, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine has drafted a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the storage of documents received in the course of providing such services by providers.

    Providers of electronic trust services will transfer documents to the central certifying authority upon termination of their activities. This approach makes it possible to verify electronic signatures, maintain their validity status and obtain evidence of the existence of the relevant electronic data to which the electronic signature is attached for a long period of time.

    The implementation of European legislation and international standards will increase the trust of users of electronic trust services and bring Ukraine closer to its ambitious goal of obtaining internal market treatment in the areas of electronic identification and electronic trust services.