At the beginning of 2024, Ukrainians took out 8,515 loans worth UAH 14.6 billion to purchase housing under the eOselia affordable mortgage programme. In particular, the number of loans for housing from the developer is growing - 2,054 Ukrainian families have already become owners of housing from the developer, which is 24.1% of the total number of loans since the beginning of the year. This was announced by Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Andrii Teliupa.
"In total, 14,840 families have already received loans to the tune of more than UAH 24 billion since the programme was launched. The Government has fixed the primary housing market as a priority of the eOselia programme. This stimulates the development of the domestic construction industry and enables Ukrainians to improve their living conditions. Currently, there are preferential rates of 3% interest for certain categories of the population and 7% interest for all other citizens of Ukraine," said Andrii Teliupa.
Over the past week, 129 loans worth UAH 222 million were disbursed, including loans at 3% for the following categories:
Loans at 7% were granted to:
Most loans were issued in Kyiv region - 34, Kyiv - 27, and Lviv region - 10. By type of property, 69 Ukrainians received loans for first-time buyers, of which 33 properties were under construction, and 42 loans were issued for the purchase of housing on the secondary market.
Background information
The eOselia programme is a component of the Made in Ukraine policy aimed at stimulating demand for Ukrainian products and creating favourable conditions for the development of production. The programme was launched in October 2022. The programme is being implemented by the Ministry of Economy in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation and Ukrfinzhytlo. The partner banks of eOselia are Oschadbank, Privatbank, Ukrgasbank, Globus Bank, Sky Bank, Sense Bank, Credit Dnipro Bank, MTB Bank, TASKOMBANK, BISBANK, and Radabank.