Starting from the beginning of 2025, changes in the Vlasna Sprava (Own Business) grant programme will come into effect, which will allow more Ukrainians to receive grant support from the state to start or develop a business.
“The grant programmes introduced by the Government two and a half years ago are one of the most effective tools to support small and medium-sized businesses. The Vlasna Sprava programme has become the most popular among Ukrainians. More than 23,000 entrepreneurs have already received grants, and the government has invested a total of UAH 5.5 billion in their businesses. These are investments in thousands of new companies, in scaling up business and increasing the production of goods and services, in creating more than 40,000 new jobs and economic growth. We respond to business needs and are constantly improving the programme so that more Ukrainians have the opportunity to develop their business with the support of the state,” said Tetiana Berezhna, Deputy Minister of Economy.
Updates to the Vlasna Sprava programme from 2025:
For veterans and their spouses who receive the grant:
As a reminder, Ukrainians can receive a microgrant of UAH 50,000 to 250,000 under the Vlasna Sprava grant programme. Both active entrepreneurs and people with no experience can receive a microgrant. For a grant of more than UAH 75,000, a prerequisite for receiving funds is the creation of 1-2 jobs, depending on the amount of the grant. Ukrainians under the age of 25 can receive a grant of up to UAH 150,000 with an obligation to register as an individual entrepreneur, but they do not need to create jobs.
Combatants, persons with war-related disabilities, their spouses, and spouses of fallen defenders can receive grants from UAH 250,000 to UAH 1 million, provided that they create 1-4 jobs, depending on the amount of the grant. To receive a grant of UAH 500,000 to UAH 1 million, a veteran must be registered as an individual entrepreneur for at least 12 months. In addition, such a grant is provided on the condition of co-financing with the recipient in the ratio of 70/30 – the recipient must invest 30% of their own funds in their business, and 70% of the funds will be provided by the state in the form of a grant.
Grant funds can be spent on the purchase or leasing of equipment, the purchase of raw materials and supplies, and the rental of premises. Applications for grants are submitted through the Diia portal along with a business plan. The programme is administered by the State Employment Service.