Another 471 Ukrainians became the winners of the Vlasna Sprava (Own Business) programme in the twenty-fifth wave. They will receive grants to start or develop their businesses worth UAH 113 million. In 2024, more than 11,000 Ukrainians became winners and will receive UAH 2.7 billion. In total, since the start of the programme, the Government has invested UAH 5.5 billion in the development of small and medium-sized businesses through grants under this programme. This was announced by Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine.
“More than 11,000 Ukrainians became the winners of the Vlasna Sprava programme in 2024 and will receive grant support to start or develop their business for a total of UAH 2.7 billion. Over the two and a half years of the programme, more than 23,000 entrepreneurs have become winners, with the state investing UAH 5.5 billion in their businesses. Every fifth grantee has started a new company, while others have been able to expand their business, increase production, and develop new areas and markets thanks to the grant. In addition, they will create 43,000 jobs in various industries,” said Yuliia Svyrydenko.
Among the recipients of the twenty-fifth wave of microgrants in 2024, 58% are women, 34% are men and 8% are legal entities. More than 70% of them have higher education. The majority of grantees are from Ivano-Frankivsk (60), Lviv (48), Rivne (40), Kyiv (38), Kharkiv (34) regions and the city of Kyiv (33). The vast majority of grantees plan to use the microgrant funds to purchase equipment needed to run their business.
The most popular sectors in which the winners of the twenty-fifth wave will operate are:
As a reminder, Ukrainians can receive a microgrant of UAH 50,000 to 250,000 under the Vlasna Sprava grant programme. Both active entrepreneurs and people with no experience can receive a microgrant. To receive a grant of more than UAH 75,000, a prerequisite is the creation of 1-2 jobs, depending on the amount of the grant. Ukrainians under the age of 25 can receive a grant of up to UAH 150,000 subject to registration as an individual entrepreneur, but do not need to create jobs.
The grant funds can be used to purchase or lease equipment, purchase raw materials and supplies, and rent premises. Applications for grants are submitted through the Diia portal along with a business plan. The programme is administered by the State Employment Service.
Information on how to apply for a grant under the Start Your Own Business programme is available on the programme website (in Ukrainian).
The Government’s eRobota project is one of the components of the Made in Ukraine policy and includes grant programmes aimed at stimulating entrepreneurship and job creation. These include microgrants for starting or developing one’s own business, grants for veterans and their spouses, grants for setting up and developing processing plants, and grants for setting up orchards, vineyards, and greenhouses. Applications for all areas of the eRobota programme are submitted through the Diia portal.