• Українською
  • Verkhovna Rada restores mandatory reporting on greenhouse gas emissions

    The Parliament has approved in the second reading the draft law to restore the monitoring, reporting and verification system. This is an important environmental bill to continue the negotiation process and decarbonisation in line with European standards.

    298 MPs voted in support of Draft Law No. 12131 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the restoration of monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions”.

    “From now on, reporting by facility operators within the framework of monitoring, reporting and verification is no longer voluntary. However, the law takes into account the realities of martial law. The approach to reporting depends on the location of the facilities and the degree of their destruction. The law provides for a relaxation of requirements for operators through voluntary submission of reporting documents for previous years, as well as simplified registration. All of this is aimed at reducing the organisational and financial burden on enterprises subject to the Law on Monitoring, Reporting and Verification,” commented Svitlana Grynchuk, Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources.

    According to her, the resumption of this practice is about obtaining clear, verified data on greenhouse gas emissions in line with global calculation practices. This is a prerequisite for the creation of an emissions trading system, and is also one of the steps to bring the quality of Ukrainian decarbonisation instruments closer to European standards. In addition, the adoption of this law ensures the fulfilment of an indicator under the Ukraine Facility Plan, which is an important part of the recovery from the hostilities.