The Government has approved the Procedure for monitoring the safety level of critical infrastructure facilities drafted by the Ministry of Economy.
These include the facilities of energy supply, water supply, healthcare, transport, defense, chemical industry and other areas, the disruption of which leads to threats to national security and can harm vital national interests.
The Procedure was developed as a demand of the law "On critical infrastructure" and contains a clear algorithm of actions:
• monitoring will be carried out once every three years by sectoral and functional bodies in the field of critical infrastructure protection;
• the assessment of the state of security will take into account the specifics of the facility's functioning;
• based on the results of the monitoring, an act will be drawn up aimed at indicating one of three assessments of safety provision: "ensures", "ensures to a limited extent", "does not ensure";
• proposals on improving the facility's protection system will be provided;
• the operator of the critical infrastructure (legal entity or natural person-entrepreneur managing the facility) will receive an inspection report and is obliged to take measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies and violations.
In this way, the state will constantly monitor the condition of critical infrastructure and will have sufficient influence mechanisms to guarantee its uninterrupted operation.
During the war and in the period of post-war reconstruction, effective control over critical infrastructure will allow for avoiding emergency situations and providing Ukrainians with the resources and services it generates.