• Українською
  • Government allocates additional subsidy of UAH 1.3 billion to local communities
    Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, posted 22 December 2023 20:21

    Today, on 22 December, the Government has approved the distribution of an additional state budget subsidy to 235 local budgets for the exercise of the powers of local self-government bodies for the fourth quarter of 2023 in the amount of over UAH 1.3 billion, including:

    • UAH 1.14 billion to compensate 43 local communities that have been negatively affected by russia’s full-scale armed aggression.
    • UAH 175 million to compensate 192 local budgets for the shortfall in personal income tax (excluding military personal income tax) compared to the previous year to cover the expenditures of territorial communities.

    Taking this distribution into account, in 2023 local governments received UAH 17.2 billion in additional subsidies for the exercise of their powers.