• Українською
  • Government approves Concept of State Target National Cultural Programme "Unity in Diversity" until 2034
    Service of the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, posted 12 May 2023 15:35

    At its meeting on 12 May, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Concept of the State Target National Cultural Programme "Unity in Diversity" until 2034 (hereinafter - the Concept). It justifies the need to develop a relevant state target programme (hereinafter - the Programme), defines the best option for addressing topical issues in the field of ethnic policy and the relevant sets of measures under the Programme.

    "We continue to work hard to implement the seven recommendations of the European Commission necessary to start the negotiation process on Ukraine's accession to the EU. Today, the Cabinet of Ministers has made another key step on this path. The Concept of the Programme "Unity in Diversity" was developed in an inclusive dialogue and with due regard for the interests of national minorities and indigenous peoples, with the involvement of the Council of Europe's expertise, in consultation with international partners and the European Commission. Work is underway to develop the State Programme itself to be submitted to the Government for consideration in the near future," said Olha Stefanishyna, Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, commenting on the Government's decision.

    The Concept is in line with the Law of Ukraine "On National Minorities (Communities) of Ukraine" and defines the Programme's goal as creating sustainable institutional conditions to meet the needs and effectively exercise the rights and opportunities of national minorities (communities) and indigenous peoples of Ukraine in accordance with international legal standards, promoting intercultural competence, interaction and understanding, and integration of Ukrainian society in the context of the need to overcome the consequences of the recent russian-Ukrainian war and the effects of russia's long-term policy of aggression against Ukraine.

    At its core, the Concept is based on the expediency of nationwide direction and coordination of state policy in the field of interethnic relations, national minorities (communities), and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples of Ukraine, with attention to regional specifics.

    "There is a great diversity of national cultures and minorities in Ukraine. They have their own languages and traditions, which are a unique component of the cultural and linguistic diversity of our country. As an example, the languages of Azov Greeks are Urum and Rumeika. The knowledge of these languages makes our Azov Greeks unique and different from other Greek diasporas scattered around the world. We must now do everything to preserve this uniqueness," said Oleh Nemchinov, Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers.

    The Concept envisages the implementation of a set of measures under the Programme aimed at creating conditions for the proper protection of the rights of national minorities (communities) and indigenous peoples, and the integration of Ukrainian society, including

    - providing adequate opportunities for obtaining complete general secondary education in the languages of national minorities (communities) and indigenous peoples of Ukraine along with the state language, and learning the languages of national minorities (communities), of the indigenous people of Ukraine in accordance with national legislation;

    - introduction of components in general secondary education institutions aimed at deepening understanding of the ethnic diversity of Ukraine and the world by amending curricula;

    - implementation of measures to cooperate with EU member states to ensure the educational rights of national minorities (communities) in Ukraine;

    - support for projects and activities aimed at preserving and revitalising endangered languages and cultures of national minorities (communities) and indigenous peoples of Ukraine, including the development of a Strategy for the Preservation and Development of the Languages of Azov Greeks of Ukraine;

    - measures aimed at preserving the cultures and historical memory of national minorities (communities) and indigenous peoples of Ukraine;

    - measures aimed at overcoming the consequences of the armed aggression of the russian federation in the context of ensuring the rights of national minorities (communities) and indigenous peoples;

    - improving mechanisms for preventing and combating discrimination against persons belonging to national minorities (communities) and indigenous peoples of Ukraine;

    - amendments to legislation to increase access of public associations of national minorities (communities) and indigenous peoples of Ukraine to the possibility of renting premises to ensure the implementation of statutory activities;

    - introduce a mechanism of national and regional programmes to support, on a competitive basis, civil society projects and activities aimed at supporting and developing the cultural and linguistic identity of national minorities (communities) and indigenous peoples of Ukraine, intercultural dialogue, and integration of Ukrainian society;

    - creating a programme of state support for registered media that purposefully promote the development of languages and cultures of national minorities (communities) and indigenous peoples of Ukraine;

    - conducting national and regional research to update and monitor data on topical issues in the field of interethnic relations, national minorities (communities) and the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples of Ukraine.

    The programme is designed for the period from 2024 to 2034.

    Assessing the overall significance of the Concept, Viktor Yelenskyy, Head of the State Service for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience, stressed that it was not only an important element of the work of the state and society on Ukraine's European integration, but also an undoubted demonstration of the inherent desire of Ukrainians who had defended their right to their own identity to provide all ethnic communities living in Ukraine with decent opportunities for their cultural development.


    The approval of the Concept is another step on Ukraine's path to EU membership. In its opinion on granting Ukraine the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union, the European Commission recommended that certain steps be taken, in particular in the context of ensuring the rights of persons belonging to national minorities (communities): "finalise the reform of the legal framework for national minorities, which is currently being prepared, in line with the recommendation of the Venice Commission, and adopt mechanisms for its immediate and effective implementation".