• Українською
  • Ukraine has the potential to become an energy hub in Europe: German Galushchenko
    Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, posted 02 March 2023 18:24

    European businesses are interested in participating in projects to restore the Ukrainian energy sector, and European governments are interested in learning from Ukraine's experience in maintaining the energy system in the face of regular massive attacks. This was announced by the Minister of Energy of Ukraine German Galushchenko on air of the Yedyni Novyny (United News) National Telethon.

    The Minister of Energy noted that during his visit to Zagreb, where the Partnership for Transatlantic Energy and Climate Cooperation (P-TECC) forum was taking place, he held a number of meetings with the energy ministers of European countries, the European Commissioner for Energy, and the U.S. Secretary of Energy.

    "They are all interested in being in Ukraine on our energy market. Ukraine really has great prospects to become a major energy hub for the whole of Europe," emphasized German Galushchenko.

    The meetings focused on the needs of the Ukrainian energy sector and the directions in which the energy system will be rebuilt.

    "We have a number of results: donor contributions to the Energy Support Fund for Ukraine and businesses interested in participating in specific projects. Ukraine is really on a trend," the Minister emphasized.

    German Galushchenko also noted that during the meetings special attention had been paid to the need to consolidate international efforts to oust russia from the global nuclear technology markets. In particular, in a conversation with U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, the need to ensure that the U.S. company Westinghouse produces enough nuclear fuel to replace russian-made fuel as soon as possible was discussed. Ukrainian experts are also involved in the project, which will help achieve these goals.

    "There is an absolute consensus that we need to expel russia from the nuclear energy market. There is unanimity that we are bringing this time as close as possible and doing everything to increase production resources accordingly," the Minister summarized.