• Українською
  • Rescuers receive another batch of humanitarian aid from the French Republic
    State Emergency Service of Ukraine, posted 11 May 2023 09:08

    The Government of France steadfastly supports Ukraine in eliminating the consequences of the full-scale unprovoked war unleashed by russia against us.

    Therefore, on May 10, with the participation of the Head of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine Serhii Kruk and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of France to Ukraine Etienne de Poncins, a ceremony of handing over another batch of humanitarian aid to Ukrainian rescuers took place.

    "This is the 5th part of humanitarian aid from the French Government in the form of fire and rescue equipment, breathing equipment, rescue tools and devices for searching for victims from the rubble. I am sincerely grateful to the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to Ukraine, Etienne de Poncins, for his support. During this time, he has become a true friend to our rescuers and an ambassador of the SES," said Serhii Kruk.

    He added that the humanitarian aid received, joint training and security projects - all these strengthen our rescuers and allows them to quickly integrate into the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

    In his turn, Ambassador Etienne de Poncins stressed that France would stand by Ukraine, demonstrate its solidarity and support our country as long as it takes until we win.

    Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the French Republic has provided humanitarian aid to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the form of 76 fire and rescue and medical vehicles, motor boats, generators of various capacities, fire and rescue equipment, including clothing and medical equipment, emergency rescue equipment, etc.

    French experts are also involved in exercises and training for underwater demining specialists and canine services of the SES. Given that new challenges require constant work to improve professional skills, Ukrainian rescuers are actively working on this together with their European partners. This is especially important in the context of Ukraine's accession to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.