• Українською
  • Plast members handed over Peace Light of Bethlehem to Prime Minister and Government members
    Communications Department of the Secretariat of the CMU, posted 22 December 2023 15:55

    Today, on 22 December, representatives of the Plast National Scout Organisation of Ukraine handed over the Peace Light of Bethlehem to Government officials during a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

     "The Light of Bethlehem symbolises warmth, unity and harmony. We will pass this light to the military to give a piece of our warmth to all those who defend our Motherland," the Head of Government said.

     In turn, the Plast members sang a carol to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers and expressed their gratitude to the Government officials for their work for the benefit of Ukraine.

    Background Information

    The tradition of the transfer of the Peace Light of Bethlehem was established in 1986. It is an international annual event held on the eve of Christmas. The idea behind the Light is to spread the symbolic fire lit at the birthplace of Jesus Christ. Scouting organisations, including the Plast National Scout Organisation of Ukraine, are involved in the ceremony of handing over of the Flame.

    Plast members handed over Peace Light of Bethlehem to Prime Minister and Government members Plast members handed over Peace Light of Bethlehem to Prime Minister and Government members Plast members handed over Peace Light of Bethlehem to Prime Minister and Government members Plast members handed over Peace Light of Bethlehem to Prime Minister and Government members Plast members handed over Peace Light of Bethlehem to Prime Minister and Government members Plast members handed over Peace Light of Bethlehem to Prime Minister and Government members