• Українською
  • We are heading towards digital visa-free regime with the EU: Government adopts resolution on foreign e-trust services
    Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, posted 14 November 2023 17:15

    The Government has approved a resolution establishing a mechanism for the recognition of foreign trust services in Ukraine. This will accelerate Ukraine's integration into the EU's Digital Single Market.

    In particular, the resolution allows the use of qualified electronic signatures of EU countries in Ukraine. It also allows foreign providers of electronic trust services to be included in the Trust List. This will enable EU citizens to sign e-documents in Ukraine with their e-signatures and provide electronic trust services in our country.

    Such changes are aimed to simplify electronic interaction with foreign partners, in particular when doing business. In addition, they will facilitate the full use of Ukrainian e-signatures abroad and the sharing of EU e-documents in Ukraine.

    The adoption of the resolution also allows for the conclusion of international agreements on mutual recognition of electronic trust services with other countries.