Retail chains can attract loans of up to UAH 1 billion at 5% under the 5-7-9% program.
This decision was made by the Government to support retail chains, which have become an important part of critical infrastructure under martial law.
"According to the adopted resolution, enterprises with food products accounting for at least 60% of the retail area will be able to apply for a loan," explained Yulia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine.
According to the official, after the beginning of the war the money cycle along the line producer-processor-trade network was broken. As a result, the latter found themselves in a situation of acute shortage of working capital, as they used to work with deferred payment, and now are obliged to pay for socially important goods within 10 calendar days.
The decision adopted by the Government will allow ensuring an uninterrupted supply of food to stores in both cities and settlements, thereby eliminating the problem of shortage of consumer goods.