• Українською
  • Comment of the MFA of Ukraine regarding the incorrect designation of Ukraine on the map on the Hungarian government's media resource
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, posted 03 June 2023 15:32

    On May 30, 2023, a video with an incorrect designation of Ukraine on the map was published on the Hungarian government's YouTube channel.

    The designation of the Crimean Peninsula as a territory that is not part of Ukraine contradicts the repeatedly declared stance by the official Budapest on the support of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

    Hungary has to stop the provocations and adhere to the international obligations undertaken within the framework of membership in the UN, the EU and NATO. Playing along with the aggressive policy of Russia does not contribute to the prompt restoration of peace in Europe, which the Hungarian government advocates in public.

    On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Charge d'Affaires of Ukraine in Hungary made an official demarche to the Hungarian side.