• Українською
  • Cloud services, eExcise and Mriia: Government approves new powers for Ministry of Digital Transformation
    Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, posted 05 January 2024 18:25

    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a resolution to expand the powers of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection.

    From now on, the Ministry of Digital Transformation will be responsible for shaping state policy in the field of cloud services. And the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection will be the regulator of communication services in this area.

    In addition, the Ministry of Digital Transformation will be responsible for the implementation and operation of eExcise and the launch and operation of the Mriia educational app.

    Cloud computing is a major contributor to the digitalisation of government agencies and data protection. After the start of the full-scale invasion, the russians tried to destroy Ukrainian archives and records. However, this did not cause a collapse in the country, as the most important data is in cloud storage.

    eExcise is one of the Ministry of Digital Transformation’s priority projects for the coming years. The launch of eExcise will help create a transparent tobacco and alcohol market and stop the illegal sale of products. In this way, the state will not lose money and Ukrainians will not buy counterfeit goods.

    A revolutionary app called Mriia is also being developed that will transform the educational process for children, parents and teachers. Mriia will provide convenient access to knowledge and enable individual educational pathways.