• Українською
  • Iryna Vereshchuk: 529 IDP Councils is a high number for such a short period of time

    The All-Ukrainian Forum of IDP Councils is taking place in Kyiv. Participants gathered to discuss further plans for the activities of IDP Councils and to develop algorithms for the integration and adaptation of internally displaced persons into communities.

    The event is held at the joint initiative of the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories in cooperation with the Charitable Foundation “Stabilization Support Services” and with the support of UNHCR and IREX.

    “2022 has been a year of responding to challenges and gaining experience. The world has never seen such large-scale displacement in such a short period of time. 2023 is the year in which we will turn the experience gained into an institutional infrastructure,” said Iryna Vereshchuk, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories.

    Thus, Resolution No. 812 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 4 August 2002 defines the regulatory framework for IDP Councils. Currently, 529 such councils have been established throughout Ukraine.

    The official outlined the main functions of the IDP Councils as follows:

    • Protect the rights and interests of IDPs;
    • Facilitate the adaptation and integration of IDPs into host communities;
    • Provide support to relocated businesses;
    • Promote job creation for IDPs;
    • Participate in law-making activities;
    • Interact with central, regional and local authorities;
    • Interact with civil society and international organisations.

    “The role of the councils is to collect feedback from IDPs and pass it on to the authorities. Concerning the needs and quality of assistance to IDPs. Decisions on IDPs in communities should be taken jointly with the IDP Councils,” the official said.

    The Deputy Prime Minister suggested that the heads of the regional IDP Councils be included in the Coordination Headquarters for ensuring the rights and freedoms of IDPs. In particular, these representatives will submit proposals to the Coordination Headquarters on the development of policies and regulations.

    “The IDP Councils should become the ‘voice’ of the IDPs that everyone will hear,” concluded Iryna Vereshchuk.