• Українською
  • Denys Shmyhal: Government improves transparency in defence procurement under martial law
    Communications Department of the Secretariat of the CMU, posted 09 May 2023 17:37

    At a session on May 9, the Government changed its approach to defence procurement. For the period of martial law, they will be divided into two groups, stated Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.

    "The first group includes weapons, equipment and other items for defence purposes. Information about these purchases will remain confidential. The second group includes, for example, food for our army. From now on, the customer will publish an announcement about such procurement in advance, and this announcement will contain information on the estimated volumes, terms and conditions of delivery," the Head of Government noted.

    According to the Prime Minister, reports on the procurement if it was concluded without an electronic system will also be published in the electronic system.

    Denys Shmyhal: Government improves transparency in defence procurement under martial law