• Українською
  • Government approves rules for establishing commissions to consider compensation for destroyed housing

    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the Model Regulations on the Commission for Consideration of Compensation for Destroyed Real Estate as a Result of Hostilities, Terrorist Acts, and Sabotage Caused by the Military Aggression of the russian federation.

    The commission shall be established by a local self-government body consisting of at least five persons. In addition, it may also include representatives of state bodies, local self-government bodies (LSG), enterprises, institutions, organisations, experts, surveyors, architects, representatives of international and public organisations.

    Main functions and tasks of the Commission:

    • reviewing applications for compensation for destroyed property,
    • providing advice on how to obtain compensation,
    • establishing the presence/absence of grounds for compensation,
    • verification of available documents and/or information,
    • inspection of compensation objects,
    • assistance in restoring or obtaining lost property ownership documents,
    • ensuring the preparation of decisions on payment (or refusal to provide) compensation for further approval by the local authorities,
    • (in case of a decision to grant compensation) issuing a housing certificate in electronic and/or paper form to the applicant using the Register of Damaged and Destroyed Property (RDDP), etc.

    The Commission's decision to grant/refuse to grant compensation, indicating the amount/scope and method of compensation, shall be recorded in the RDDP within five business days from the date of the meeting. The local government must approve the Commission's decision within five calendar days from the date of its adoption. The decision of the Commission may be challenged by appealing to the local self-government body that established it.

    According to the approved Regulation, the Commission is an advisory body of the executive body of a village, town, city, district council, military or civil-military administration, which is established to consider issues related to compensation for property destroyed as a result of hostilities.

    As a reminder, on 22 May, the Law "On Compensation for Damage and Destruction of Certain Categories of Real Estate as a Result of Hostilities, Terrorist Acts, Sabotage Caused by the Armed Aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine and the State Register of Property Damaged and Destroyed as a Result of Hostilities, Terrorist Acts, Sabotage Caused by the Armed Aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine" (Draft Law No. 7198) came into force.

    The law specifies the list of recipients of compensation for destroyed and damaged housing, its types, the mechanism for assessing and deciding on its provision, and the possibility of using it to obtain new housing.

    More details can be found at the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine official website.