• Українською
  • In December new markets for export of Ukrainian products were opened - Canada and Turkey

    As a result of cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection, the Embassy of Ukraine in Canada and the Embassy of Canada in Ukraine, the Canadian market was opened for Ukrainian producers of poultry meat and poultry products in December this year.

    The relevant work began in 2019 when representatives of the Canadian CFIA inspected the system of state control over production at Ukrainian enterprises.

    The list of Ukrainian companies that now have the right to export poultry meat and poultry products to Canada has been added to the CFIA database. The requirements for the import of meat products from Ukraine to Canada have been published on the official CFIA web portal.

    Another foreign market, which opened for Ukrainian companies in December this year with the assistance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection, was the Turkish market for the export of fish products. The form of the relevant certificate (Ukrainian) has already been posted on the official web portal of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection in the section "International Cooperation", section "Certificates for Export from Ukraine".

    We recall that the first step for the export of food products is the request of the market operator to the territorial body of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection.

    Background Information

    Promoting the opening of new markets is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including through the work of the International Platform of Economic Diplomacy "Nazovni", which during the war became an effective digital mechanism of economic diplomacy and assistance to Ukrainian exporters in entering the world commodity markets.

    Nazovni combines the efforts of diplomats and Ukrainian entrepreneurs in promoting exports: the exporter receives qualified advice, starting from the preparation of an export proposal to the implementation of export-import operations. Nazovni provides the possibility of direct communication in real time in the format "system of diplomatic service bodies - exporter". Link to the platform - www.nazovni.online.