The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, at a meeting, adopted a resolution providing for the implementation of an electronic stock management system for medicines and medical devices, e-Stock, on a pilot basis.
Every year Ukraine allocates significant funds for the procurement of medicines, but patients do not always have information about their availability. On the other hand, the lack of an integrated system that would allow tracking, evaluation of procurement, distribution and accounting of medicines leads to gaps in planning. Therefore, the purpose of e-Stock is to improve stock management for medicines and medical devices. For patients personally, this means accessibility of information about medicines.
The pilot operation of e-Stock will allow to identify risks, shortcomings, and to fix them.
The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers defines the Ministry of Health as the coordinator of the pilot project and the Medical Procurement of Ukraine as the responsible agency.
Accordingly, the Ministry of Health ensures coordination of measures for the implementation of the project and is obliged to submit to the Government, by January 15, 2024, a report on results and proposals for the full implementation of the e-Stock electronic stock management system for medicines and medical devices.