• Українською
  • Public Financial Management

    The SWG Public Finance Management coordinates the efforts of the Government of Ukraine and Development Partners in the implementation of PFM Strategy 2021-2025.

    Structure and contacts

    Chair: Denys Ulyutin, First Deputy Finance Minister of Ukraine

    Co-Chair: Xavier Camus, Head of Governance Section of the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine

    SecretariatOleksiy Zhak, General Director, Directorate for Strategic Planning and European Integration, Ministry of Finance, Secretary, zhak@minfin.gov.ua 

    Thematic subgroups
    Thematic subgroup on budget
    Thematic subgroup on customs policy
    Thematic subgroup on local budgets
    Thematic subgroup on macroeconomic and revenue forecasting
    Thematic subgroup on institutional capacity
    Thematic subgroup on public sector accounting and financial reporting
    Thematic subgroup on fiscal risks, liquidity and debt management
    Thematic subgroup on IT
    Thematic subgroup on tax policy
    Thematic subgroup on financial control

    Whole period
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