• Українською
  • Health

    The SWG Health coordinates the health care reform with the focus on such priorities as developing National Health Strategy 2030, continuing further health financing reform, developing the electronic healthcare system and eHealth eco-system, improving access to medicines and medical devices, ensuring constant readiness to respond to COVID-19, as well as ensuring the institutional capacity of the relevant central executive bodies, government agencies and enterprises.

    Structure and contacts

    Ministry: Ministry of Health of Ukraine

    Head of SWG: Igor Ivashchenko, Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine for European Integration

    Co-chair of SWG: Jarno Habicht, Head of WHO in Ukraine 

    Secretariat: Olga Bachynska, state expert of the expert group on international technical assistance of Directorate for International Coordination and European Integration of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, ombachynska@gmail.com 

    Thematic subgroups
    Coordination of reform, governance and planning
    Public health pograms implementation
    Harmonization of information systems and development of E-health system
    Strengthening of human resources in health area and education
    Health financing system
    Medicines and medical devices access management
    Direct service delivery (excluding Public health programs)

    Whole period
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