Introductory remarks by Taras Vysotsky, Deputy Minister for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine, Co-Chair of the Sectoral Working Group on Agricultural Development
Introductory remarks by Serhiy Glushchenko, Deputy Minister for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine, Co-Chair of the Sectoral Working Group on Agricultural Development
Introductory remarks by Christian Ben Hell, Co-Chair of the Sectoral Working Group on Agricultural Development from the side of Development Partners, Head of the Agriculture Sector of the EU Delegation in Ukraine
Presentation "Vectors of Economic Development-2030 in the agricultural sector" by Taras Vysotsky, Deputy Minister for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine
Presentation "Vectors of Economic Development-2030 in the food safety area" by Serhiy Glushchenko - Deputy Minister for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine
Information of Advisers to the Prime Minister of Ukraine Kyryl Kryvolap and Dmytro Lyvch on the state of preparation and approval of Vectors of Economic Development - 2030
Kateryna Levchenko - "Gender Integration in the System of International Technical Assistance"
Comments and recommendations // questions-answers // program news from development partner