• Українською
  • International technical assistance coordination in Ukraine

    International technical assistance coordination system is envisaged by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 153 «On Establishing a Unified System for Attracting, Using and Monitoring International Technical Assistance» of February 15, 2002, and consists of three interdependent levels: the «Development Partnership» Forum, the Strategic Platform and sectoral (intersectoral) working groups (SWGs), among which the SWGs have the most practical working focus.

    The work of the SWGs is based on the principles of partnership and cooperation, and is guided by mutual accountability and transparency. Key principles include co-chairmanship, joint agenda setting, minutes and access to shared information, and feedback between levels.

    In the summer of 2024, the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers, together with the ministries concerned and in cooperation with development partners, updated the number and composition of sectoral working groups, as well as the concept of the SWGs.

    Thanks to the updated concept of the SWGs, the ministries will be able to address the following tasks with development partners:

    • Facilitate identification and expedient disbursement of committed financial resources to cover Ukraine’s most urgent needs as identified by the Government. 
    • Lay the foundation for mobilizing new resources and contribute to ensuring implementation and coordination of priority projects. 
    • Support implementation of policy reforms based on the Government’s Reform Matrix and other key overarching sectoral strategies and policies.
    • Support efforts on ensuring transparency of international assistance flows and accountability for investments in recovery activities, including by enhancing data management systems.

    The co-chairs of the sectoral working groups are the heads or deputy heads of the central executive authorities of Ukraine and representatives of development partners. If necessary, thematic subgroups may be formed within the sectoral working groups to cooperate in specific areas.

    List of Sectoral Working Groups (SWGs)

    Public administration and Governance

    Digital transformation

    Law enforcement

    Rule of law (Anti-corruption policy and Judicial)

    Public Finance Management / Public Investment Management



    Social protection

    Veteran Policy 

    Gender equality

    Economic recovery, industry and SMEs


    Humanitarian  de-mining


    Regional recovery/Decentralization

    Transportation and logistics

    Housing and utilities

    Climate and green transition / environmental protection