• Українською
  • Education for the successful country

    People are the country's greatest asset. The success of any country is impossible without investment in the development of human capital, i.e. in education, skills and science.

    High-quality, affordable and safe education of Ukrainians is the key to the future growth and development of the country.

    The war has created new challenges in the field of education. First of all, it is about returning to offline learning.

    The main task now is to make education as safe as possible for Ukrainian children. At the same time, Ukraine needs a new quality of education at all levels: from kindergarten to university.

    The start of the implementation of rapid recovery projects has shown that there is a high demand for industry professionals. To this end, the government is planning a fundamental reorganisation of vocational education, in particular the creation of an optimal network of institutions with updated content that meets the needs of the market.

    The result of the fundamental changes in education should be the preservation and development of human capital, the creation of a modernised and safe educational space, the competitiveness of Ukrainians in the labour market, the successful recovery and development of the country in the post-war period. We want to educate a new generation of Ukrainians who will be successful in the modern world and change our country.

    1. Security of education

    An important task in the field of education continues to be the creation of a network of shelters for all educational institutions in order to move from online to offline learning. This involves both the construction of new shelters and the improvement of conditions in existing shelters. It is also about improving the security of educational institutions by installing alarm buttons and expanding school security. In the near future, 500 police officers will take up their duties in educational institutions. They will be responsible for law enforcement, interaction with school administrations and access control.

    2. Continuation of the reform of the New Ukrainian School (NUS)

    The updated modern educational space of the NUS provides equal, fair and safe conditions for quality education. All teachers are ready to implement the ideas of the NUS and have the necessary financial motivation and training. The development of new content for specialised secondary education will continue, as will the provision of modern equipment for teachers and pupils. The purchase of new school buses will help to ensure that every Ukrainian in every region has access to education.

    3. Vocational education

    The network of vocational schools should be efficient and have a modern infrastructure. An important element of the changes will be the primary orientation of these institutions to the needs of the market, as well as the development of an effective partnership with the business community. It is planned to create at least 100 new educational and practical centres on a competitive basis.

    4. English language

    Ukraine is open to the world. Parallel to Ukraine's integration into the EU, we are strengthening cooperation with the international community. At the same time, the need for people who speak English is growing. The study of English should be made more accessible to Ukrainians. The state proposes to consolidate the status of English as one of the languages of international communication in Ukraine. To this end, opportunities to learn English must be improved at all levels. The introduction of state support programmes for learning English for adults is being prepared.

    5. Changing approaches to budgetary funding for higher education

    The state defines priority specializations for which it can anticipate demand and for which it is prepared to guarantee graduates initial employment in the public or private sector. For the acquisition of higher education in other specializations, the financing of education through scholarships is introduced, which are distributed according to student performance and can be used as a co-financing instrument in parallel with preferential loans, social scholarships, scholarships for future reserve officers. The state order is formed on the basis of the labor market forecast.