• Українською
  • Kyrylenko Viacheslav

    Kyrylenko Viacheslav
    Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine

    Born on June 7, 1968 in Poliske settlement, Kyiv region.

    Education: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv University, Department of Philosophy (1993). PhD in Philosophy (1996).

    Labour activity:

     1989 - Head of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Student Union, one of the leaders of student hunger strike during the Revolution on granite.

    1993-2002 - Head of the Ukrainian Youth Public Organization "Young Rukh", Member of the People's Movement of Ukraine (Rukh).

    1998-2002 - Member of the Parliament, Secretary of Parliamentary Committee for Social Policy and Labor.

    2002 - Deputy Head of the Ukrainian People's Party.

    2005 - Minister of Social Policy and Labor of Ukraine.

    2005-2006 – Vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine for Humanitarian Affairs.

    2006 - Member of the Parliament, Head of Parliamentary Faction "Our Ukraine", Head of Parliamentary subcommittee for the protection of historical-cultural heritage of the Committee for Culture and Spiritual Values.

    2007-2008 - Head of the People’s Union "Our Ukraine" Political Party.

    2012 - Member of the Parliament, Head of Parliamentary Committee for Social Policy and Labor.

    2014 - Member of the Parliament of the People's Front Political Party.

    Since December 2, 2014 - Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Culture of Ukraine.

    April 14, 2016 - Vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine.