Oleh Nemchinov was born in 1977.
1998 - finished a military training course at Lviv Polytechnic National University.
1999 - Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
2003 - Ternopil Academy of National Economy.
2011 - Private higher educational institution Lviv University of Business and Law.
2013 - postgraduate training program in Lviv Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.
Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration.
1999 - 2002 - worked in the youth service of the department of humanitarian and social policy, then in the youth work of the department of culture at the Lviv City Council.
2000 - 2003 – worked as a part-time lecturer at the Lviv Vocational School.
2003 - 2006 – Advising Assistant to an MP of Ukraine.
2006 - 2009 – worked in a private entity.
2009 - 2010 - worked in Lviv Regional State Administration.
In 2011, then from 2012 to 2014 - Lviv Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.
2011 - 2012 - worked in private entities.
2014 - 2017 - worked at the State Enterprise "Production and Service Center of the Ministry of Revenues and Duties of Ukraine in Lviv region".
2014 - 2017 - service in the State Border Service of Ukraine.
January - February 2016 - a participant in the anti-terror operation in Donetsk region.
2017 - 2020 - State Secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine.
March 4, 2020 - appointed Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
He is married and has a son.