• Українською
  • Gov’t approves a plan to ensure food security under martial law
    Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, posted 03 May 2022 09:59

    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine by its order has approved a plan of measures to ensure food security under martial law.

    "The Government has developed a set of actions in many areas. The first is to monitor the state of food security and agricultural infrastructure in general. Second, national food producers will receive state support. Third, the most socially vulnerable population will receive targeted food aid. In addition, the state will exercise special control of monitoring and appropriate regulation of food prices," said Mykola Solskyy, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

    Thus, ministries, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, and regional military administrations will regularly monitor, in particular, statistics on the balance of basic foodstuffs. They will control the level of trade margins. Volumes of domestic agricultural products for export will continue to be regulated by the state for the period of martial law.

    The need and number of enterprises that need financing for the expansion, rehabilitation and construction of production facilities will be studied.

    In addition, the needs of domestic enterprises of the agro-industrial complex in critical imports will be constantly met.

    Among other things, the state will also regularly purchase food packages for socially vulnerable groups. Local programs to ensure self-sufficiency of territorial communities with food products will be implemented.

    "With all these measures, we are trying to achieve the key goal - to meet needs of Ukrainians through provision of the required amount of products. And also to fully provide enterprises working in the field of agricultural production with opportunities for further work. As well as to guarantee our state and its citizens sustainable food security in this dangerous time of war," Mykola Solskyy summed up.