• Українською
  • Ukraine submits the first report to the European Commission within the framework of the EU Enlargement Package 2024
    Service of the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, posted 25 April 2024 17:01

    On April 24, the Government Office for Coordination of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine submitted to the European Commission the first Report of Ukraine on the implementation of the reform recommendations identified for Ukraine in the Ukraine Progress Report under the EU Enlargement Package 2023.

    The 1600-page Report describes the decisions and laws adopted by Ukraine between June 15, 2023 and March 31, 2024. Thus, the Report contains updated information on 33 negotiating chapters, political and economic criteria, including data on Ukraine's implementation of the European Commission's recommendations. In addition, this year, a new methodology was applied, according to which most of the negotiating chapters were analyzed from the perspective of the anti-corruption component.

    The report was prepared in record time and was the result of intensive teamwork of about 140 government agencies and hundreds of civil servants from all areas of public policy in Ukraine.

    It is expected that in early September Ukraine will submit another report with updates for the period March-August 2024, when the European Commission will start preparing the next report on Ukraine's progress under the EU Enlargement Package.

    Background information

    The EU Enlargement Package is a strategic document on EU enlargement policy, which is published annually in the fall and includes a report by the European Commission assessing the progress made by candidate and potential candidate countries. On November 8, 2023, Ukraine's first Progress Report on the EU Enlargement Package was published, which contained a number of reform recommendations.

    On February 9, 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted and approved the Action Plan for the implementation of the European Commission's recommendations presented in the Ukraine's Progress Report under the EU Enlargement Package 2023.

    The document envisages more than 350 measures involving more than 100 government agencies: ministries, other central executive authorities, state (military) administrations, state institutions and local governments, etc.