• Українською
  • Denys Shmyhal: We are laying the groundwork for the introduction of digital certification of mine action operators
    Communications Department of the Secretariat of the CMU, posted 02 February 2024 16:56

    At a meeting on 2 February, the Government approved a resolution that will create a unified approach to the certification of mine action operators. This was announced by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.

    “Now there will be clear deadlines, unified requirements and a clear approach. We are laying the groundwork for the introduction of digital certification. What will it bring? Dozens of mine action operators, hundreds of teams and units of equipment constantly working to clear Ukraine’s land of explosive hazards,” the Prime Minister stressed.

    Denys Shmyhal emphasised that humanitarian demining was an important part of restoring the country and its economy. And the Government is focusing on clearing agricultural land as soon as possible.

    “In 2023, demining units of the state and non-state operators surveyed 275,000 hectares of agricultural land. More than 200,000 hectares have been put back into use,” said the Prime Minister.

    He stressed that in December last year there were 26 certified mine action operators in Ukraine, while in early February there were already 29. Another 48 operators are in the process of certification.

    “In 2023, we had 1,500 deminers. In 2024, we will have 3,500. As of 1 January 2023, we had almost no vehicles for humanitarian demining. At the beginning of this year, there were already 55 such special vehicles,” said Denys Shmyhal.

    Denys Shmyhal: We are laying the groundwork for the introduction of digital certification of mine action operators